Find your next position

If you are looking for a new role for yourself, please complete the form below.

Note: If you are interested in hiring talent for your business, click here.

Please submit the form below and we'll be in touch.

First Name*

Last Name*





Desired Field*

Desired Position*

Enhance your profile by including your latest employment history for improved matching results. (最新の勤務先、タイトル、勤務期間の記入をお願いします。)

Latest Work Experience

Job Title / Desired Position (if not employed)


Start Month

Start Year

I Currently work here

Yes No

End Month

End Year

How did you hear about us? (MAXをどのようにしてお知りになりましたか。)*

General Comment (簡単な自己紹介・希望等をお願いします。日本語での記載も可能です。)

Resume (履歴書をWord format もしくはPDF にてアップロードお願いします。) *

Word format preferred

I agree to the terms of service*